I don't really have anything bad to say.
Like the summary says, I've got nothing bad to say, only few suggestionts.
Well, I played this game for about twenty minutes. Then I relized that I'm playing the same damn map and mode over and over again. After that I moved to watch other flashes and I tought that "Nah, it was good game, but nothing huge".
When I glanced through some of the flashes I noted this game again and I started to read reviews that people have made from this game. I didn't find any "super good" reviews. "I'm kinda bored so why don't I make a review that includes some good advices in it.
So: You should make same different modes (race, timetrial, maby even a multiplayer game)in it. That would make certain that everyone would play it more then that 20 minutes or less. And make more maps in it( It had a link to page where is more maps, but would u think if you bought Half Life2 and when you've played it for a while it gives you a link to a webpage where you can download rest of the game).
Well I've really got nothing else to say.